Al-Anon Family Groups
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those affected by someone else’s drinking.
Alcoholics Anonymous (Intergroup Association of A.A. of New York, Inc.)
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those struggling with their alcohol use.
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
Information, resources, and support for those struggling with suicidal thoughts and their loved ones, as well as those who have lost someone to suicide.
Cocaine Anonymous
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those struggling with their use of cocaine and/or other mind-altering substances.
Drug Crisis in Our Backyard
A non-profit organization dedicated to supporting individuals and families struggling with substance misuse.
Friends of Recovery New York: Recovery Support Services
Information about some of the recovery support services offered across New York State.
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those affected by someone else’s compulsive gambling.
Gamblers Anonymous
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those affected by someone else’s compulsive gambling.
Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation
Various recovery tools including online support meetings, blogs, mobile apps, social media groups, and movie suggestions.
The Jed Foundation
Non-profit organization dedicating to protecting the emotional health and preventing suicide in our nation’s teens and young adults.
Marijuana Anonymous
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those struggling with their marijuana use.
NAMI Westchester
Information and resources for those living with a mental health condition and their loved ones.
Nar-Anon Family Groups
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for friends and family of addicts.
Narcotics Anonymous
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those struggling with their use of narcotics and/or other substances.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism
Latest research on alcohol use and its impact on human health and well-being.
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Latest research on drug use and its consequences including pertinent information on commonly abused drugs, emerging trends, and clinical resources.
New York State Department of Health Community Calendar of Opioid Overdose Trainings
Information about upcoming Narcan trainings by region.
New York State Department of Health Narcan Pharmacy Directory
Full list of pharmacies dispensing Narcan (with standing orders) in New York State.
Nicotine Anonymous
Information, resources, and access to directories of in-person and virtual meetings for those struggling with their nicotine use.
Office of Addiction Services and Supports
Prevention, treatment, and recovery information and resources.
Partnership to End Addiction
Information, support, and resources for families pertaining to substance abuse prevention, treatment, and recovery.
Power to the Parent
Information and resources to help parents keep teens safe from alcohol and other drugs.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Treatment Resources
Information, support, and resources for those seeking alcohol, drug, or mental health treatment for themselves or a loved one.
The Trevor Project
National organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to LGBTQ youth under 25.