Please refer to some of the helpful resources below to learn more about this important topic:
- CDC:What You Need to Know About Marijuana Use in Teens | Fact Sheets | Marijuana and Public Health | CDC
- YRBSS Results, Slides, and MMWR Publications: https://www.cdc.
gov/healthyyouth/data/yrbs/ index.htm - Parent Engagement Tips:
healthyyouth/protective/ parent_engagement.htm - School Connectedness: https://www. protective/school_ connectedness.htm - NIDA Drug Facts: Marijuana: https://teens. marijuanaexternal icon - NIDA Marijuana: Facts for Teens: https://www.drugabuse.
gov/publications/marijuana- facts-teens/letter-to-teensext ernal icon - Adolescents and Marijuana: http:// factsheets/adolescents.htmexte rnal icon